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Case Management Services
Life Design Services Inc. Targeted Case Management services help with communication, education, service identification, and referrals to individuals living in North and South Carolina.
Specifically, if a client/patient needs help with:
*Seeing a doctor
*Making appointments
*Getting a ride to see a doctor
*Getting disability (SSI, RSDI)
*Doing what the doctor tells him/her to do
*Finding a job
*Getting food
*Getting clothing
*Paying bills
*Applying for food stamps
*Finding a place to live
*Getting help with power bill
*Stopping people from taking advantage of him/her
*Physically caring for oneself
*With certain issues because he/she cannot hear or see
*Quitting a drug habit
*Making decisions
*Help with school work
*Learning to read
*Sadness, loss and grief
*Making healthy food choices